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Marketing & Branding 🚀 Writing & Editing ✍🏽 Thought Leadership & Campaigns 💭 Public Relations 📣
Follow Your Dreams, Err No, Your Gut—and Other Clichés of Success We Need to Ditch
Chances are you’ve heard one of the following clichés at one point in your life when seeking out career advice: “If you can dream it, you can achieve it;” “Pursue your passion;” Work hard, dream big;” and “Follow your dreams.”
It might have been at your high school or college graduation, or at a conference from a motivational speaker. You may have seen it emblazoned on the front of a greeting card to commemorate one of your life accomplishments, or on Instagram where the post has garnered thousands of likes and reposts.
They are clichés intended to make us feel inspired to go for the next big thing, a reminder to stay focused on the grand prize of that imaginary picture of success we all have. But how do these clichés work in the real world where things are not as simple and clear cut?